
14 Apr

My dear friends,
you can read here basic reflections about blogging. This post and especially the comments will rise the awareness of many bloggers. I highly recommend this article about blogging and the blogger.
Greetings from sunny Stockholm


Dina schrieb auf ihrem Blog:
Dina wrote onher blog:

Life is like a camera lens.

Katwijk-NL Photo: Hanne Siebers

Konzentriere Dich auf das Wesentliche
für DICH

Just focus on what is important
for YOU


Water, water, see the water flow
Glancing dancing see the water flow
O, wizard of changes teach me the lesson of flowing
God made a song when the world was new
Waters laughter sings it is true O, wizard of changes, teach me the lesson of flowing

 The Incredible String Band

LeidenII 092, Photo: Hanne Siebers

Erfasse das Gute!

Capture the good times!

Binham_Walsingham 013 Photo: Hanne Siebers

Entwickele alles vom Negativen weiter

Develop from the negative

Cley beach

Bist Du nicht fokussiert

If you are unfocused

und die Dinge entwickeln sich nicht, wie Du es wünscht

and if things don’t turn out

Katwijk 017 Photo: Hanne Siebers

mache Dir ein neues Bild

just take another shot

Katwijk 004a

bis Du erhältst, was Du möchtest.

until you get what you want.


You can`t always get…

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